Project Description

Tour Down Under feature windows, Coventry Library, SA

For three years now, we have been busy preparing new Tour Down Under feature windows in the library. The Tour Down Under is a great event in the Adelaide Hills. The community is keen to participate in many levels. We have had a long cooperation with the Coventry Library in Stirling and it is great to come up with something new every year for this event.

Bicycle decals can come in many shapes and sizes:

In 2014 and 15 we designed a true community involvement: Bicycle decals represented mountain bikes, city bikes with shopping baskets, kids bikes, bikes for mums with baby carriers, you name it, it was on the window.

In 2016 it was all about competition: decals on the window show the competitive spirit of the game. Riders in action with a contemporary take on movement and speed.

One of the best part of these project is all the comment we get from library visitors! We love them!

Let us know if we can help you with your next event communication!