Project Description

corporate values feature walls, The BMS Group, Wollongong, NSW

Following a move to new premises, WallsThatTalk designed and installed two corporate values feature walls for The BMS Group. The walls needed to have an IT, technology and printing focus to reflect the core business of BMS. They also had to use elements of their already established logo and corporate image.

client facing corporate values feature wall

The most visible of these walls is the client facing wall in their reception area. Wavy lines run the length of the wall. These are from the existing corporate image. The key corporate value words are hanging from these lines by paper clips. The clips represent printing, paper and email. The words are in a strong blue so they stand out. Each value has a phrase that represents how those corporate values are lived on a daily level.
The design of the wall is fun and engaging and emphasises the ‘tag line’ of the business: ‘Your technology partner’.

staff facing corporate values feature wall

The staff facing corporate values wall is a whopping 4.5m high and located within the staff area of the building. Again, each of the core values is in strong, dark blue to make the stand out. All the other text on the wall describes how as staff they embody each of the values and what they mean.
Graphically this wall represents many things about the BMS Group. The connectors between the main values are computer cables. Printers feature across the whole wall, representing the paper saving solutions the company provides. The wall features a variety of ICT devices. The images represent the various platforms BMS can work with. Clouds are at the top of the wall representing the capacity BMS has to work with cloud based computing.
The design of this wall is fun and lighthearted to connect staff to the company core values on a daily basis.

can we help your business?

If you would like to explore creative ways to communicate your corporate values to both your staff and clients give WallsThatTalk a call. Corporate values feature walls are our specialty and we can design something unique for your space.