Project Description
corporate values feature wall – Multicolour, Mile End, SA
When Multicolor had a change of name and logo their offices needed to be re-branded and updated. Multicolor approached WallsThatTalk (WTT) to create two new, fresh spaces in their building. The first was a corporate values feature wall in an entry space, visible to the public. The second was to update the existing reception area without making any structural changes.
corporate values feature wall
In a large space above the front entrance door Multicolor asked WTT to create a large corporate values feature wall. The colours were chosen to reflect the logo colours and to stand out strongly on the white wall. This feature wall was created using contour cut printed wall textile. Thia allowed small adjustments to be made to the image and obvious joins were avoided. The result is a sharp, fresh and engaging corporate values feature wall.
going the extra mile
A special scaffold was require to work in this space. The scaffold had to rest on both floor and stairs at the same time. WallsThatTalk go that extra mile to ensure each job is done perfectly, safely and on time. Thanks to Mobile Scaffolds for the innovative scaffolding solution.
reception refresh
Rather than redesigning the whole space Multicolor opted to do a creative refresh instead. The reception area is backed by curved glass paneling, which was etched with previous logos. This needed to be covered up. WallsThatTalk selected three colours from the logo (blue, yellow and pink) and cut panels of vinyl to run vertically down the glass. They were paired with a printed grey panel which effectively covered all the existing glass and made the company logo prominent. The back of the glass is also covered in vinyl so it looks good from both sides.
Can we help?
Do you have a space that needs a freshen up but you don’t want to re-do the whole thing? do you have some corporate values you would like to see in a corporate values feature wall? WallsThatTalk can help. Give us a call to discuss your needs today.